Thursday, April 17, 2014

It All Began 33⅓ Years Ago...

I was about 10 years old and a couple of big changes were about to happen in my life.  First was my discovery of Dungeons & Dragons, via the old red-boxed Basic Set.  Second was an interest in writing Science Fiction & Fantasy stories.  At one time I even dreamed that I would make my living as an author and at the age of 17 I submitted an unpublished manuscript to Del Rey Publishing.  It was ultimately rejected, but not before actually having been read.  For a kid still in High School, that was a sure sign that I knew what my future would be.  How wrong I was!

In the late 80's I had returned to playing D&D, which was in its second edition by now.  I would have never stopped, but some overzealous Christian relatives had decided that it was satanic and pressured me to sell them my books so they could burn them.  Instead I traded them for Atari 2600 games.

In 1990 and 1991 I ran games for the TSR Roundtable on GEnie.  It didn't last long, but it has always remained a thing for pride for me and to this day I have been able to hang onto the autographed copy of Legends & Lore I was given.

In 1993 I made one of the worst decisions of my life and it ultimately served to build the coffin for my dreams of being a writer.  It was also at that time that I decided that to support myself I would continue to work in IT and over the next few years I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science.  To this day, I still work in IT.

In 1998 I made one of the best decisions in my life.  It was, in a sense, rebooting my life, but the damage from the past remained.  I had no delusions of ever being a published author left, but I still had my games.

In 2011 I self-published the first chapter in a potentially unending series of very dark, strongly kink-centric furry stories.  These contained torture, mutilations, watersports, and so much more; obviously they were aimed at a very niche audience.

Now I have begun a new project.  Inspired and encouraged by Chris A. Fields of Otherverse Games, I am preparing to publish some of the more perverted creations that I have made with his Fursona and Black Tokyo books.  This blog will mostly be about those, though I expect various things about furry culture, kinky sex, RPG's in general, and who-know-what-else will end up in here as well.

So, welcome, and stay tuned for some truly perverted stuff to come.

Whitehair D. Dogdancer